- Be water wise.
- Don’t trigger the cravings.
- If you’re going to have sugar, do so on a full stomach.
- Treat yourself in other ways.
Fizzy drinks and energy drinks are sugar-packed beverages and often our go-to when thirsty, replacing water. Headaches are one of the first signs of dehydration. Studies have shown that dehydration of as little as 2% (the same as a 1.6L water loss for a 80 kg person) can affect functions of the brain, gut, kidneys and heart (related to blood volume).
Water is the ideal drink to hydrate as it’s naturally sugar, caffeine and energy free. Make it a rule to always drink a glass of water with every meal. Keep water within arm’s reach, whether in a jug or a bottle. For example, make a habit of placing a jug of water on your desk as you get to work every day, and keep water bottles into gym bags, handbags and the car.
Both still or sparking water, hot or cold, can add to your daily water quota for the day. Add flavour to plain or sparkling water with fresh fruit (e.g. diced apples, assorted berries, orange slices), freshly squeezed or bottled lemon, or herbs (e.g. mint, basil, rosemary). You could also make healthy homemade iced teas by steeping a few of the FitChef herbal tea bags with hot water. Once cool, remove the tea bags and add one of the abovementioned flavours and serve chilled.
Lastly, download a free water reminder app on your smartphone to help you form healthy water drinking habits in a fun way.
Rather than just managing the craving, aim to prevent it to begin with. Do this by making whole, minimally processed foods without added sugar the basis of your meals. Fruit, vegetables, lean protein like skinless chicken, fatty fish and egg, plant proteins like beans, chickpeas and lentils, and wholegrains like brown rice, corn and oats are all good food choices. When these healthier foods replace sugar-filled snacks, not only will you be loading up on nutrients and fibre for optimal health, but you will also stabilize blood sugar levels and manage the trigger for sugar. Our FitChef meals are proudly made of real foods and free from added sugar, preservatives and colourants.
If you do choose to have a sugary treat, trying to maintain some degree of self-control to lessen the impact of the sugar hangover is the way to go. The best way to do this is to cheat on a full stomach. Have a small portion of the sugary treat, whether it’s ice cream or slice of chocolate cake, after eating a healthy and balanced meal that includes a big helping of vegetables and/or salad, lean protein, and wholegrain, high fibre starch. This way you limit the spiral of overindulging as you’re a lot less hungry to overeat the sugary food.
In 2013, a study published in Appetite found that participants who associated chocolate cake with guilt lost less weight than those associating chocolate cake with celebration. The truth is that sugary treats tend to be associated with celebrations and treating ourselves. Try find other non-food ways to treat yourself. Book a spa day with friends, go for a hike in nature, call your bestie, or snuggle in to a favourite book.