date goal Kits 21 day challenge 1 month challenge 14 day challenge 7 day challenge 3 month challenge 21 day (no pork) 21 day vegetarian 14 day vegetarian
dietary classifications Kits vegetarian meals flexiterean flexi-carnivore ladies favourites beef meals chicken meals small meals lamb meals macon meals no pork weight loss challenge
drink clean Kits all smoothies regular health smoothies recovery smoothies hardcore protein smoothies whey protein smoothies collagen smoothies juices
allergy Kits no milk (dairy) no eggs meals no fish meals no soya meals no peanut meals no gluten food no garlic food no tree nuts food no chilli food no sesame food no molluscs food no celery food no lupin (bean/legume) no mustard meals no crustaceans meals no pork
kids Kits children (toddler-12yo) teenage (13yo-18yo)
cleanse and detox Kits juices and smoothies juice and soups soups smoothie and soups
snack Kits snack packs all snacks baked snacks
convenient living Kits convenience meals fitchef meals thyme meals breakfasts only dinners only lunch@work frozen foods
calorie control Kits calorie - low ~1200-1600kcal calorie - medium ~ 2000kcal calorie - high ~ 3000kcal
couples and groups Kits couples kids students pensioners families
goals Kits weight loss challenge endurance triathlon crossfit hiit hyrox muscle up - build phase muscle up - cut phase sport performance break up - revenge diet
health Kits cholesterol diabetic - lifestyle disease insulin resistance treatment gluten free food kits immune boost food kits anti-inflammatory food IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) - reduced fodmap hypertension (high blood pressure) celiac disease meal kits gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease) gout food package fatty liver disease
eating style Kits low-carb paleo-style keto strict keto moderate-carbs keto-lifestyle-carbs lchf (low carb high fat) mediterranean-style vegan meal kits vegetarian meal kits atkins-style meals whole30-style meals zone diet-style intermittent fasting diabetes meal kits daniel fast food kit meat lovers meal kit high-carb
intermittent fasting Kits intermittent fasting
portion control Kits large meal packages small meal portions

dietary classifications Meals fish meals vegetarian meals flexiterean flexi-carnivore ladies favourites beef meals chicken meals small meals lamb meals macon meals no pork weight loss challenge
allergy Meals no milk (dairy) no eggs meals no fish meals no soya meals no peanut meals no gluten food no garlic food no tree nuts food no chilli food no sesame food no molluscs food no celery food no lupin (bean/legume) no mustard meals no crustaceans meals no pork
kids Meals children (toddler-12yo) teenage (13yo-18yo)
cleanse and detox Meals juice and soups soups smoothie and soups
convenient living Meals convenience meals fitchef meals thyme meals breakfasts only dinners only lunch@work frozen foods
calorie control Meals calorie - low ~1200-1600kcal calorie - medium ~ 2000kcal calorie - high ~ 3000kcal
couples and groups Meals kids students pensioners families
goals Meals weight loss challenge endurance triathlon crossfit hiit hyrox muscle up - build phase muscle up - cut phase sport performance break up - revenge diet
health Meals cholesterol diabetic - lifestyle disease insulin resistance treatment gluten free food kits immune boost food kits anti-inflammatory food IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) - reduced fodmap hypertension (high blood pressure) celiac disease meal kits gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease) gout food package fatty liver disease
eating style Meals low-carb paleo-style keto strict keto moderate-carbs keto-lifestyle-carbs lchf (low carb high fat) mediterranean-style vegan meal kits vegetarian meal kits atkins-style meals whole30-style meals zone diet-style intermittent fasting diabetes meal kits daniel fast food kit meat lovers meal kit high-carb
intermittent fasting Meals intermittent fasting
portion control Meals large meal packages small meal portions


- Delivery & Collection

Thyme FitChef currently delivers to Gauteng, Cape Town, Stellenbosch & Paarl

Do we deliver to your address?
Click here

No collection points are available.

Frozen Delivery Trucks
Our delivery trucks are refrigerated so your meals stay frozen in transit. 
Place meals into the freezer ASAP when you receive them.

Order Notifications
You will receive live delivery notifications and live Uber-style maps en route to your home or office.

Delivery Dates
Place your order and we will be in touch to confirm the best date for you and available delivery slots.
You will receive emails, SMSs and WhatsApps regarding your delivery.

- How does it work?

How does it work?

South Africa’s Leading Food Service

Two ranges
One shopping cart
For your whole family


Truly healthy & delicious
Tasty meals, smoothies, juices & snacks
Health + weight loss goals are easy to achieve.


Global cuisine, authentic flavours
Premium selected ingredients
That the whole family can enjoy! Healthier.

Naturally better!

Changing lives, Promoting health and convenience

Thyme FitChef provides everything you need to live a healthy convenient lifestyle, with a wide range of meals, smoothies, juices, shooters, snacks and breakfast options based on the EatClean Ethos

Either order a complete challenge kit or select your own products.
Our famous 21-day challenge kits are the most popular and easiest ways to kickstart your journey. N
o fads, no fuss, just good food to positively change your life.

Store everything in your freezer, defrost, or heat and eat. Ultimate convenience… with no wastage, no fuss and no confusion about what to eat.

Order online, we deliver to work or home. We deliver to Gauteng, Cape Town, Stellenbosch and Paarl.

All diets fail for one main reason, because you don’t have good food available right now, so you eat high-carb, refined, sugary junk instead and derail all your goals. Life will always be extremely busy, healthy food is hard to find and it’s time-consuming to make… so plan ahead to ensure you’re always stocked up with healthy food in advance.

Make healthy eating a lifestyle by signing up for our convenient Recurring Order service and get rewarded with great loyalty club discounts. 

- Can I customise a meal?

We do not customise individual meals... our recipes are crafted to deliver a specific flavour profile or target macronutrient goals. 
We have a wide range of excellent meals and allow some meal swaps in kits, based on allergies or preferences (within reason, although there may be additional costs).

Please speak to our customer service, they are available to help and guide you through the ordering process. Contact Client Service

- Diabetes questions?

We have many diabetics changing their lives on our food. We have worked with the Dietitians, Doctors and industry specialists.

The perfect food for diabetics or pre-diabetics is low GI, high fibre, nutrient-dense whole food... avoiding refined high-carb junk.  Most of our meals (avoiding meals with pasta and white rice) and some smoothies will make a big difference to your blood sugar and health management.

Thyme FitChef is an extraordinary food company that has a very strict protocol to govern our ingredient choices… we call this protocol the EatClean Ethos. All decisions are honestly based on putting your health first and selecting nutrient-dense ingredients. If that sounds grandiose, then examine our food labels, this is real food, whole food, with no shortcuts or artificial ingredients, down to even the smallest detail like obsessing about what salt we use. You will recognise and be comfortable with every single ingredient name on our labels.

Do you agree? 

In the next month, you are going to eat 93 meals and 30-90 snacks and drinks…. You may as well choose healthily… choose FitChef EatClean Meals.

In 5 minutes, your next month's nutrition could be solved, whether you want breakfast, lunch, supper or all your meals snacks, smoothies and drinks.


- Will I lose weight?

The results below are from our test group lead by a dietitian. All participants received a 21-day BEST RESULTS kit and had body measurements, weight and blood test before and after. 

This is proof that REAL FOOD without all the additives, makes all the difference!
See the Male and Female group results below:


  • Weight Loss
    • Weight loss range: 2.4kg – 8.4kg
    • Average weight loss: 4.27kg
  • Body Fat % loss - Best: -3.99%
  • Waist – lost centimetres - Best: 9cm
  • Muscle gained - 1.3 - 1.7kgs
  • Blood test results before and after the 21-day challenge
    • Cholesterol Ratio (HDL/Total Cholesterol)
      • Average drop from 6.15 to 4.18 mmol/L
    • Metabolic age
      • Ave drop of 4.5 years in metabolic age
    • Triglycerides
      • 1.70 to 1.29 mmol/L Weight Loss


  • Weight Loss
    • Weight loss range: 2 kg – 5.1kg
    • Average weight loss: 3.42kg
  • Body Fat % loss - Best: -5.9%
  • Waist – lost centimetres - Best: 5cm
  • Muscle gained - 1.3 – 1.7kgs average
  • Blood test results before and after the 21-day challenge
    • Cholesterol Ratio (HDL/Total Cholesterol)
      • Average drop from 6.15 to 4.18 mmol/L
    • Metabolic age
      • Ave drop of 4.5 years in metabolic age
    • Triglycerides
      • 1.70 to 1.29 mmol/L

- Will I be hungry?

Will I feel hungry on Thyme FitChef food?

Portion Size: Portion size is one of the most critical considerations when it comes to diet. In the first 3 days, your body and taste buds will adjust to whole food. FitChef food is tasty, nutrient-dense and full of whole food ingredients with a lot of fibre. If you’ve lived on large portions of high-carb sugary food you may feel hungry initially, but within 3-7 days you will feel satiated all the time and your taste buds will reset. Remember that most cravings are fuelled by emotional stress that triggers your craving for sugar or refined carbs for a quick artificial fix. Don’t worry about being hungry, at any time you can simply add another smoothie or meal. When you are eating real food, you don’t have to worry about counting the calories. Real food is automatically high in nutrients and fibre and low in calories.

FitChef meals and smoothies are packed with nutritious low GI ingredients that will leave you feeling fuller for longer. Most FitChef meals are 300g in size, while a few are 250g to keep carbs low.

Real healthy food
FitChef works with Springbok rugby players, EFC fighters, professional triathletes and world class CrossFitters. We provide meals and kits to Comrades and marathon runners, cyclists, and people living normal busy lives. While more active people may eat three to five meals and two to four smoothies a day, most people agree that our meals are about the right size and they report feeling full and satisfied.

If at first, you find that you are hungrier on some days, you can always eat another half or full meal, or add avo or fresh veggies to a meal. If you are accustomed to overeating or eating in response to stress, you will experience a real difference on FitChef. We recommend giving yourself three days to adjust to the FitChef high fibre and nutrient-dense diet. You should soon feel full and nourished without the bloating, heartburn and tiredness that comes with high-GI and high-carb junk food.

Feel fuller for longer

Many people think we need piles of food and their eyes judge their needs based on plate size. This is because we have grown used to eating processed food with no fibre and very little nutritional value. When you eat nutrient-dense meals you will feel fuller for far longer.
Vegetables make you full not fat

The next thing to take into consideration is that you really can’t get fat from eating a lot of good quality vegetables. You will usually be full long before veggies will affect your weight.

Portion size is not a simple matter of whether you are a male or female or your body size. People are hungry for different reasons, like how active you are, what type of exercises you have done, stress levels, hot or cold weather, cravings and even what you ate yesterday (for example, if you ate loads of sugar and carbs you are likely to feel more hungry the next day).

Even if you eat better quality foods, you have to pay attention to portion control. If you know you’re eating too much, try reducing your portions and eat four to six small meals instead of three large meals. FitChef portion sizes are based on an average portion and you choose if you want to eat more or less.

- What can you expect on a 21-day Challenge?

Our 21-day Best Results kit gives you everything you need to get your body back on track. With 54 meals and 36 smoothies, it’s a complete solution… your future self will thank you! You will need to clear about 3 shelves in a standard home freezer. If you don’t have much freezer space, then order a split delivery if it's offered in your area.

This BEST RESULTS kit gives you 3 meals and 2 smoothies/day for 6 days/week. One day/week is a treat or free eating day, usually a Sunday, where you can silence the cravings.

In the first 3 days your body and taste buds will adjust to whole food. FitChef food is tasty, nutrient dense and full of whole food ingredients with a lot of fibre. If you’ve lived on large portions of high-carb sugary food you may feel hungry initially, but within 3-7 days you will feel satiated all the time and your taste buds will reset. Remember that most cravings are fuelled by emotional stress that triggers your craving for sugar or refined carbs for a quick artificial fix.

Like we always say: You have learned to drink tequila, whiskey and to smoke, you can certainly learn to enjoy good food. Sometimes good food takes a while to acquire the taste for natural foods, but you will be glad you put in the effort.

Worried about being hungry? Don’t be, at any time you can simply add another smoothie or meal. When you are eating real food, you don’t have to worry about counting calories. Real food is automatically high in nutrients and fibre and low in calories.

- Counting calories a waste of time?

Why is counting calories a waste of time?

Healthy eating is not a case of calories in versus calories out! It’s not about the amount of calories you eat but rather it’s the quality of the calorie that is important.

We don’t believe in counting calories in general because 100 kcal of vegetable is not equal to a 100 kcal of sugar. Sugar will spike blood sugar and cause an insulin release which puts your body into fat storage mode; veggies on the other hand help put your body into fat burning mode.

Different food groups contain varying amounts of kcal:
1 gram fat: = 9 kcal
1 gram protein: = 4 kcal
1 gram carbohydrate: = 4 kcal
1 gram alcohol: = 7 kcal

Vegetables can have 15 times fewer calories per gram than these figures. 

Likewise, when burning calories, according to current science, it’s easy to burn 100 kcal on a treadmill but burning 16 kcal on an assault bike would leave you totally breathless and would be the hardest two minutes of your life. The current belief is that to burn off 1 Kg of fat, it’s estimated that you need to burn off an additional 7726 calories (kilocalories) (453g/1 pound of fat = 3500 kcal)

Health and weight loss is about giving your body maximum quality calories. This means eating loads of vegetables, fruit, and the ingredients found in nature’s pantry.

It’s not about how hard you exercise: it’s 90% diet and 10% exercise. Six packs are really made in the kitchen. Losing fat is all about eliminating refined carbs and controlling carbs in general. When you eat good food you feel fuller for longer , so you eat less and get more nutrients, which results in great portion control.

Calories may be useful as a rough guideline for portion size, but if you are eating a lot of veggies and unrefined food you will find it hard to eat over 1200 kcal.

How do I maintain my weight?
While we have incredible kick-start plans like our 21 Day Challenge, our focus is actually on long-term health and weight management solutions. We provide monthly maintenance meals, smoothies and snacks so you can continue your FitChef #EatClean lifestyle plan according to your budget.

Food is the foundation to all other long-term success in your life. Don’t go back to living on high-carb food because you forgot to order or plan ahead. Healthy eating is a balance of buying and making food ahead of time so that your health becomes an investment. you eat about 93 meals a month… so plan ahead! And don’t forget those 30-60 snacks or drinks between meals. You need to aim for at least 80 excellent meals that are high in nutrient-dense veggies and that don’t contain refined carbs or sugar. Remember to #EatClean. You can’t live on bread, junk cereals, pap, sugar and processed food and expect good results.

- Is FitChef safe for me?

Firstly, no matter what your physical condition or situation, any health professional will tell you to cut out junk food, sugar, refined bread and carbs, and to eat more nutrient-dense veggies and healthy natural foods.

We believe that you should stop or reduce food made with manmade chemicals, preservatives, and artificial flavours as it is difficult to manage the number of synthetic chemicals in each refined food item nowadays.

Food is undoubtedly the foundation of health. You will find that FitChef will tick most nutritional boxes and is safe for most people so you can make small adjustments in meals or snacks if you have specific needs.

FitChef uses natural vegetables, fruit, spices, natural unrefined salt and grass-fed meats… basically, like what your great-grandparents would have used. And of course, we leave out added sugars, high-carb flours, preservatives and artificial flavourings.

- Why doesn’t FitChef offer different portion sizes for men and women?

Hunger is not just a gender issue. Hunger, or perception of hunger, is based on what we ate yesterday, stress or boredom, type and frequency of exercise. You should choose food based on its nutritional quality rather than portion size. You can’t really get fat on vegetables. Our portion size is based on average portions for both men and women. You can choose to eat more or less meals based on your needs – perhaps add avo, a side portion of veggies or drink an extra smoothie if you feel you need more. Unless you’re burning huge amounts of energy each day, our meals are actually the right size to keep you satiated until your next meal or smoothie. Take a look at our sports ambassadors – 120 kg springboks rugby players, tri-athletes, EFC fighters and cross-fit athletes are all performing at their best and enjoying the FitChef portions. All our meals are nutrient-dense and low GI (the fuller-for-longer factor). You’ll be surprised at how much less food you actually need to nourish your body and feel energised.

- Who is Thyme FitChef?

Thyme FitChef is an excellent food company with two main ranges: Thyme and FitChef.

Thyme FitChef is all about health and produces meals, smoothies, juices, snacks and breakfast options, based on the #eatClean ethos. This means we are obsessed with real, whole food ingredients and giving you food as close to nature's version as possible.

Thyme recipes include SA's and International favourites, but with quality ingredients. They are healthier and come in 350g (SINGLE), 700g (DOUBLE) & 1400g (FAMILY) portions.

More about Thyme FitChef:

We have a wide range of great tasting meat and vegetarian dishes. You want to make sure you’re eating food not a science experiment, which is why there’s no preservatives, additives, highly refined ingredients, no artificial or man-made chemicals.

No artificial or added sugar (apart from the limited occasional use of honey or coconut sugar). Meats are growth hormone and routine antibiotic free and most meals are wheat and gluten-free.

So how do you get started? Kick start your journey with our popular 21-day challenge kit, with 54 meals and 36 smoothies, it’s everything you need to solidly start your health food journey.

Then continue your convenient healthy lifestyle by signing up for a Recurring Order.

Welcome to the Thyme FitChef family!


- Does Thyme FitChef deliver?

Thyme FitChef Currently delivers in Gauteng, Cape Town, Stellenbosch. 

We will always confirm delivery dates and notify you via SMS, email and/or phone. Your meals are delivered in insulated boxes so that the food remains frozen for several hours, which means we can deliver to your work if that is most convenient for you.

Do we deliver to your address?
Click here

We currently do not have collection points. Purchase online and we will deliver.

- How long will my order take to arrive?

You should receive your order within three to five working days.

- Can I collect my order?

We currently only do online purchases with delivery to your home or office.

- Can you split my order and deliver it on two different dates?

We can split an order for delivery in some areas so that you receive the order in two parts. There is a delivery charge.

- Is Thyme FitChef expensive?

Any fully prepared meal comes at a price because of the effort that goes into sourcing the best ingredients, preparation, cooking times, packaging, compliance tests and more. But this is nothing compared to medical bills and the negative effects and costs of junk food.

If you take into account your effort and time that goes into driving to the shops, selecting and standing in queues to get all the ingredients, preparing your meals after work, throwing food away because you didn’t have time to prepare for it, you may find that the costs balance out. FitChef doesn’t use cheap flours, thickeners or stabilisers to make cheap and unhealthy versions of real food. We don’t add sugar, preservatives or other man made chemicals.

We only use the best vegetables, grains and lean, grass fed meat that is free from steroids and growth hormones. You wouldn’t want us to add all the bad stuff just so we could charge you less, would you? We could reduce our costs by adding these ghastly things – all that corn starch you find in most pre-prepared foods would help save us a penny, but then we’d be selling you the same refined food that’s been destroying your health so far. And then we wouldn’t be FitChef anymore.

- Portion size

Portion size is not a simple matter of whether you are a male or female or your body size. People are hungry for different reasons, like how active you are, what type of exercises you have done, stress levels, hot or cold weather, cravings and even what you ate yesterday (for example, if you ate loads of sugar and carbs you are likely to feel more hungry the next day).

Even if you eat better quality food, you have to pay attention to portion control. If you know you’re eating too much, try reducing your portions and eat four to six small meals instead of three large meals. FitChef portion sizes are based on an average portion and you choose if you want to eat more or less.

- 21 Day Challenge - Thyme FitChef’s Most Popular Challenge

Why make a 21-day Challenge amazing?

FitChef 21-Day Packages are a breakthrough in ultimate convenience, real nutrition, ingredient quality, range and flavours. Life is rushed and healthy eating is a struggle. Our meals, smoothies and snacks are produced under a strict EatClean ethos. We’re the only food label whose ingredients you will recognise, no added sugar, no artificial or man-made chemicals… only real food without powders, stabilisers, emulsifiers, colourings and flavourings.

You get 54 meals (up to 26 different recipes), 36 smoothies (up to 6 different smoothie types) and a healthy treats. Healthy soul food exists.

- Is Thyme FitChef Halaal?

No, we are currently not Halaal. Our Muslim customers usually select our vegetarian kits and make their own meat.

- Diet or a lifestyle?

It just so happens to be the case that what makes fat also makes you unhealthy and what makes you unhealthy also makes you fat.

To lose fat and be healthy actually mostly requires the same food and the rule of thumb is really if you want to burn fat then lower your carbs and eat less but to maintain your diet just eat high-quality food. So FitChef nutrition if perfect for weight loss, maintenance and just leading a healthy convenient performance lifestyle. 

Thyme FitChef is an extraordinary food company that has a very strict protocol to govern our ingredient choices… we call this protocol the EatClean Ethos. All decisions are honestly based on putting your health first and selecting nutrient-dense ingredients. If that sounds grandiose, then examine our food labels, this is real food, whole food, with no shortcuts or artificial ingredients, down to even the smallest detail like obsessing about what salt we use. You will recognise and be comfortable with every single ingredient name on our labels.

Producing REAL food is actually way more difficult than it seems but when it comes to your health there should be no shortcuts! 

FitChef is a way of life because you could actually live on our food, drinks and snacks 100% of the time and your body would thrive. In reality 90% of the food in restaurants, supermarkets and canteens is artificial, sweetened and highly refined. No wonder we end up nutrient deficient, constipated, overweight, unfocussed, sick, acidic and bloated. 

FitChef is obsessively committed to producing REAL food, well above the standards of others.

We have a wide range of great tasting ready-to-eat meals, smoothies, juices, snacks and more. Kick start your health food journey with a 21-day challenge kit and keep your home and office stocked up by registering for our convenient Recurring Orders service.

70-80% of your food should be real nutrient-dense whole-food.

If you had good food, you would eat it. 

Join the Thyme FitChef Family today.

Copyright ©ThymeFitChef 2025