date goal Kits 21 day 1 month 14 day 7 day 3 month 21 day (no pork) 21 day vegetarian 14 day vegetarian
dietary classifications Kits vegetarian meals flexiterean flexi-carnivore ladies favourites beef meals chicken meals small meals lamb meals macon meals no pork weightloss
drink clean Kits all smoothies regular health smoothies recovery smoothies hardcore protein smoothies whey protein smoothies collagen smoothies juices
allergy Kits no milk (dairy) no eggs no fish no soya (soy) no peanuts no gluten no garlic no tree nuts no chilli no sesame no molluscs no celery lupin (bean/legume) no mustard no crustaceans no pork
kids Kits children (toddler-12yo) teenage (13yo-18yo)
cleanse and detox Kits juices and smoothies juice and soups soups smoothie and soups
snack Kits snack packs all snacks baked snacks
convenient living Kits convenience meals fitchef meals thyme meals breakfasts only dinners only lunch@work
calorie regulation Kits calorie - low ~1200-1600kcal calorie - medium ~ 2000kcal calorie - high ~ 3000kcal
couples and groups Kits couples kids students pensioners families
goals Kits weight loss endurance triathlon crossfit hiit hyrox muscle up - build phase muscle up - cut phase sport performance break up - revenge diet
health Kits cholesterol diabetic - lifestyle disease insulin resistance gluten free immune boost anti-inflammatory IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) - reduced fodmap hypertension (high blood pressure) celiac disease gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease) gout fatty liver disease
eating style Kits low-carb paleo-style keto strict keto moderate-carbs keto-lifestyle-carbs lchf (low carb high fat) mediterranean-style vegan vegetarian atkins-style whole30-style zone diet-style intermittent fasting diabetes daniel fast towards carnivore high-carb
intermittent fasting Kits intermittent fasting
portion Kits large portions small portions

dietary classifications Meals fish meals vegetarian meals flexiterean flexi-carnivore ladies favourites beef meals chicken meals small meals lamb meals macon meals no pork weightloss
allergy Meals no milk (dairy) no eggs no fish no soya (soy) no peanuts no gluten no garlic no tree nuts no chilli no sesame no molluscs no celery lupin (bean/legume) no mustard no crustaceans no pork
kids Meals children (toddler-12yo) teenage (13yo-18yo)
cleanse and detox Meals juice and soups soups smoothie and soups
convenient living Meals convenience meals fitchef meals thyme meals breakfasts only dinners only lunch@work
calorie regulation Meals calorie - low ~1200-1600kcal calorie - medium ~ 2000kcal calorie - high ~ 3000kcal
couples and groups Meals kids students pensioners families
goals Meals weight loss endurance triathlon crossfit hiit hyrox muscle up - build phase muscle up - cut phase sport performance break up - revenge diet
health Meals cholesterol diabetic - lifestyle disease insulin resistance gluten free immune boost anti-inflammatory IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) - reduced fodmap hypertension (high blood pressure) celiac disease gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease) gout fatty liver disease
eating style Meals low-carb paleo-style keto strict keto moderate-carbs keto-lifestyle-carbs lchf (low carb high fat) mediterranean-style vegan vegetarian atkins-style whole30-style zone diet-style intermittent fasting diabetes daniel fast towards carnivore high-carb
intermittent fasting Meals intermittent fasting
portion Meals large portions small portions


The FitChef Food Label 101

A 2016 South African study found that just over 1 in 3 consumers frequently or always read the nutrition information on a food label. One of the main reasons for not doing so is always buying the same type of product, a lack of interest, and time to study the information.  For many health-conscious eaters, there is a lack of trust in food labelling information. FitChef is proud of our clean food labels, made from whole, fresh food. Understanding the food label...

Be A Breakfast Lover

It is 7am on a Monday morning and “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” rings through the family kitchen. Breakfast time is a great opportunity to offer up your body a healthy, nutritious start to the day. Yet according to the South African National Health and Examination Survey, one in five SA children skip breakfast. Breakfast skipping is also common in Australian teens, but completely opposite to the 9 in 10 Brazilian teens who do eat breakfast da...

Eat Clean Real Food With FitChef - DeliveryRank Interview

DeliveryRank chats to Wayne Kaminsky Founder and CEO of FitChef about the journey of creating a company for people who understand what you eat and that healthy eating must be convenient to succeed. What was the motivation behind founding FitChef? Like most good stories, it starts with solving your own problems and saying well this works for me, hopefully it can do the same for others. Being quite an active person myself, very involved in various sporting events...

FitChef Challenges - How Are They Different?

As the saying goes, "Fail to plan and you plan to fail." The success of any healthy eating journey centers around a clear and defined approach as set out how it is you are going to reach that wellness goal. Yet getting to this starting point is much easier than you realise. Here are six reasons why the popular FitChef challenges are all you need as you start your healthy eating challenge this Spring. FitChef Challenges are Real
 As you would expect from F...

Oh So Organic

Two in three US consumers buy organic products, and more than one in four buy organic food at least once a week. Closer to home, one in three Gauteng grocery shoppers report buying organic food each month. Clearly, consumers around the world are becoming more and more concern about their health, and organic food is a viable solution for many of these concerns of the effect of pesticides, fertilisers, and animal drug use on our heath and wellbeing. What is Organ...

The Inflammation Situation

What do chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, obesity, and mental health conditions like Alzheimer’s disease and depression all have in common? The answer is inflammation. If you have a condition that causes inflammation, or is because of inflammation, then an anti-inflammatory diet may be for you.   What is Inflammation? Part of a normal immune response, inflammation is a natural physiological response and a necessary part of stimula...

Rethinking Friday Nights With FitChef

The trick to leading a healthy and balanced lifestyle (as opposed to being on a restrictive diet) is to still allow yourself your favourite foods, but with real ingredients that still tantalize your taste buds. Our FitChef culture is to support, encourage and motivate you in your quest to choose the healthiest foods possible. You can now enjoy your favourite weekend spoils while still adding to your health with burgers, pizzas and guilt-free snacks with FridayNite f...

FitChef: For The Family

Good food and family go together like FitChef and clean eating. And good food tastes even better when you eat as a family. Sit down for a balanced and healthy family meal with FitChef’s wide range of meals, snacks, smoothies and assorted groceries – your perfect nutritional partner.   Eating for Two Pregnancy is an ideal time to encourage healthy eating and lifestyle changes as a pregnant woman’s motivation level is super high. During pregnancy, a moth...

Back To Basics For Your Furbabies With FitPet

As carnivores, dogs and cats are physiologically designed to enjoy and thrive on raw food. A raw diet, which emphasizes raw meat, bones, fruits, and vegetables, mirrors the natural diet of animals. While our pets may have been domesticated over thousands of years, their guts remain unchanged. Eating raw food is evolutionary-based on what cats and dogs ate before they became domesticated: This is why in 1993 Australian veterinarian Dr Ian Billinghurst proposed that o...

How To Go Strict With Keto

If you have an interest in nutrition, chances are you have heard of the ketogenic (keto) diet. When you drastically cut carbs from the diet, the liver makes a new energy source called ketones. The end-goal of a ketogenic diet is to induce ketosis: a metabolic state where your body switches from glucose (sugar) to ketones for energy. FitChef is excited to add strict keto meals and kits to the #eatclean range which include Strict Keto meals of low carb (< 20g carb/...

Be A Budget Eater With FitChef

Two in three South Africans report that they consider costs when grocery shopping, and this is likely to rise as we have entered these uncertain financial times. FitChef meals and snacks, colourant and preservative free and made with only real ingredients, can certainly fall within a wide range of budgets, while keeping you as healthy as can be. Fail to Plan = Plan to Fail Planning your meals and being more organised with your food choices will mean you are ...

Grain-fed Vs Grass-fed: What Is The Difference?

In a world where sustainability is a hot topic of discussion for governments and consumers alike, the spotlight has been placed on farming practices, especially with cattle. Whereas cattle today are often fed grains, the animals people ate throughout evolution roamed free and ate grass. This is why all of the beef used in our FitChef meals is grass-fed and free of antibiotics and routine hormones, with easy and convenient delivery from our fridge to yours when order...

Mind Over Platter: Being Mindful With Your Eating

Many of us eat for reasons that have nothing to do with good nutrition. We eat because we are sad, we eat because we are happy. We eat when we are bored but also when socialising. If you are trying to change your eating habits to be the healthiest version of you, being more mindful and intentional with your eating is a good starting point for that journey of self-discovery. Do a Digital Detox. Before you start a meal, remove cell phones, laptops, and TV from view...

One Bread To Rule Them All!

"Eating hot fresh crusty bread is one of the most enjoyous experiences of life"… If you agree, we have some very good news for you! Modern bread has been hanging out in some dodgy neighbourhoods, it's got a bad name (and for good reasons) Move to real bread, real nutrition! Commercial bread should be described as nutritionally-hollow white-puffy glue with refined additives, it’s missing all the artisanal goodness crafted by old-fashioned Master bread-makers. W...

Carbohydrates: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

Carbohydrates are constantly at the centre of many heated debates in nutrition, creating much misunderstanding and uncertainty as to whether this food group should or shouldn’t be part of a healthy diet. The modern diet high in refined carbohydrates and simple sugars is of course not ideal for our health. But it is short-sighted to treat the vast range of foods containing carbohydrates as one all-inclusive food group as certain carbohydrates are better for our hea...

How To Have A Healthy Easter

As the temperatures start to drop with the autumn season approaching, so too do our inhibitions as we celebrate Easter. For some, Easter is a celebration of rebirth and new life, and for others Easter brings on a well-deserved break and quality family time. Whichever way you choose to spend this holiday, temptation and treats sneak in quickly. Yet the upcoming chocolate feast doesn’t mean you need to bring your healthy eating to a halt. Follow these simple tips to...

Eet Vir My Gene

"Vetsug hardloop in my familie": ‘n Gesegde wat gewoonlik geuiter word deur diegene wat dit moeilik vind om hul gewig te bestuur. Maar kan ons ons gene gebruik as ‘n verskoning in die gewigverloor stryd? Wetenskaplikes is besig om te verstaan hoe ons gene nie net die kleur van ons oë, liggaamsvorm en hoogte beïnvloed nie, maar ook hoe ons genetiese veranderlikheid ons vermoë kan affekteer om ‘n gesonde gewig te handhaaf. Die DNS TaalDNS is die genetiese mat...

The Truth About Vegetable Oils

Oils are part of the fat food group. Fats play a role in many structural and metabolic functions in the body, providing fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, protecting the heart, keeping the immune system strong, and providing essential fatty acids for healthy eyes and brain development. Oils are generally (but not always) liquid at room temperature. Vegetable oils, like olive oil, sunflower oil and coconut oil, are extracted from plants but the various oils each hav...

Managing A Sugar Hangover

Headache, tired, poor concentration, irritable, and overall grogginess. These are the signs and symptoms of the classic hangover that can develop when having a big night out with alcohol. Yet there is a similar experience when we overdo another addictive food: sugar. When we binge on huge amounts of sugar at one time, this moves into the blood stream quickly and causes a spike in blood glucose. This spike is followed by a crash in blood sugar levels which may cause ...

Gaan Met Jou Maag

Nog voor geboorte en reg deur die lewensjare, lewe ons in harmonie met die 40 triljoen bakterieë en ander organismes in ons maag, saamgestel bekend as die maag mikrobiota. Hierdie groot samestelling van mikrobes is soos 'n unieke vingerafdruk waarvan elke persoon sy eie komposisie van besit. 'n Swak dieet, stres, medikasie soos antibiotika en verdowingsmiddels na 'n operasie, en ander faktore soos of jy normaal gebore is of deur ‘n keisernee kan veroorsaak dat 'n...

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