date goal Kits 21 day 1 month 14 day 7 day 3 month 21 day (no pork) 21 day vegetarian 14 day vegetarian
dietary classifications Kits vegetarian meals flexiterean flexi-carnivore ladies favourites beef meals chicken meals small meals lamb meals macon meals no pork weightloss
drink clean Kits all smoothies regular health smoothies recovery smoothies hardcore protein smoothies whey protein smoothies collagen smoothies juices
allergy Kits no milk (dairy) no eggs no fish no soya (soy) no peanuts no gluten no garlic no tree nuts no chilli no sesame no molluscs no celery lupin (bean/legume) no mustard no crustaceans no pork
kids Kits children (toddler-12yo) teenage (13yo-18yo)
cleanse and detox Kits juices and smoothies juice and soups soups smoothie and soups
snack Kits snack packs all snacks baked snacks
convenient living Kits convenience meals fitchef meals thyme meals breakfasts only dinners only lunch@work
calorie regulation Kits calorie - low ~1200-1600kcal calorie - medium ~ 2000kcal calorie - high ~ 3000kcal
couples and groups Kits couples kids students pensioners families
goals Kits weight loss endurance triathlon crossfit hiit hyrox muscle up - build phase muscle up - cut phase sport performance break up - revenge diet
health Kits cholesterol diabetic - lifestyle disease insulin resistance gluten free immune boost anti-inflammatory IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) - reduced fodmap hypertension (high blood pressure) celiac disease gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease) gout fatty liver disease
eating style Kits low-carb paleo-style keto strict keto moderate-carbs keto-lifestyle-carbs lchf (low carb high fat) mediterranean-style vegan vegetarian atkins-style whole30-style zone diet-style intermittent fasting diabetes daniel fast towards carnivore high-carb
intermittent fasting Kits intermittent fasting
portion Kits large portions small portions

dietary classifications Meals fish meals vegetarian meals flexiterean flexi-carnivore ladies favourites beef meals chicken meals small meals lamb meals macon meals no pork weightloss
allergy Meals no milk (dairy) no eggs no fish no soya (soy) no peanuts no gluten no garlic no tree nuts no chilli no sesame no molluscs no celery lupin (bean/legume) no mustard no crustaceans no pork
kids Meals children (toddler-12yo) teenage (13yo-18yo)
cleanse and detox Meals juice and soups soups smoothie and soups
convenient living Meals convenience meals fitchef meals thyme meals breakfasts only dinners only lunch@work
calorie regulation Meals calorie - low ~1200-1600kcal calorie - medium ~ 2000kcal calorie - high ~ 3000kcal
couples and groups Meals kids students pensioners families
goals Meals weight loss endurance triathlon crossfit hiit hyrox muscle up - build phase muscle up - cut phase sport performance break up - revenge diet
health Meals cholesterol diabetic - lifestyle disease insulin resistance gluten free immune boost anti-inflammatory IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) - reduced fodmap hypertension (high blood pressure) celiac disease gerd (gastroesophageal reflux disease) gout fatty liver disease
eating style Meals low-carb paleo-style keto strict keto moderate-carbs keto-lifestyle-carbs lchf (low carb high fat) mediterranean-style vegan vegetarian atkins-style whole30-style zone diet-style intermittent fasting diabetes daniel fast towards carnivore high-carb
intermittent fasting Meals intermittent fasting
portion Meals large portions small portions

Knowledge > Check Your Plate > Mains
Mains 2020/03/19 SAST
Gaan Met Jou Maag
Nog voor geboorte en reg deur die lewensjare, lewe ons in harmonie met die 40 triljoen bakterieë en ander organismes in ons maag, saamgestel bekend as die maag mikrobiota. Hierdie groot samestelling van mikrobes is soos 'n unieke vingerafdruk waarvan elke persoon sy eie komposisie van besit. 'n Swak dieet, stres, medikasie soos antibiotika en verdowingsmiddels na 'n operasie, en ander faktore soos of jy normaal gebore is of deur ‘n keisernee kan veroorsaak dat 'n geweldige hoeveelheid voordelige bakterieë in jou maag afsterf.

Die bakterieë in jou maag help met die vertering van voedsel, reguleer ons immuniteitstelsel, en beskerm teen die skadelike bakterieë wat siektes veroorsaak, en produseer ook vitamiene. Om die maag gesond te hou deur goeie dieet keuses te maak is noodsaaklik vir die beheer van ‘n seer maag met simptome soos opblasing, krampe, oormatige wind, hardlywigheid, diarree, en ‘n gevoel van traagheid.

  1. Fokus op Vesel
    Dit is wel bekend dat ons maag vesel nodig het om dit gesond te hou. Oplosbare vesel, gevind in hawermout, hawersemels, lemoene, piesangs, appels, wortels, aarbeie, en peulgewasse soos bone, lensies en gesplete ertjies, dien amper soos 'n mop en help om die vloeistof in die maag te absorbeer. Dit help om 'n sagte, jellierige mengsel te vorm wat help om die ontlasting deur die derm te vervoer. Die ander tipe vesel is 'n onoplosbare vesel, bekend as ruvoer, 'n tipe vesel wat nie in water oplos nie. Dit is soos 'n besem wat stewig regdeur die lengte van die derm vee om ontslae te raak van die afvalstowwe, en word natuurlik gevind in volgraan (bv volgraan pasta, semels, bruin en wilde rys, mielies, hawer), neute en sade.

  2. Hallo Hidrasie
    Terwyl jy jou vesel inname vermeerder, onthou om ook meer vloeistowwe te drink. Veral in die maag is water nodig om voedingstowwe te vervoer en afvalstowwe te verwyder deur die urienestelsel en gereelde dermbewegings. Stil en vonkelende water kan albei bydra tot jou daaglikse water kwota, so ook kan kruie- of Rooibostee (sonder melk en suiker) en warm water, met of sonder 'n druppel suurlemoen sap. Water kan ook gegeur word met vars vrugte (bv opgesnyde appels, verskeie bessies, lemoen skyfies), kruie (kruisement, basiliekruid, roosmaryn). Jy kan ook tuisgemaakde ystee maak deur vier kaffeïenvrye teesakkies soos Rooibos in 1L warm water te week. Wanneer dit afgekoel het, verwyder die tee sakkies en gooi enige van die bogenoemde vrugte in en bedien as 'n drankie of gooi in yslollie-bakkies vir 'n verfrissende somers nagereg. En vir die tegnovaardige outjies, kan jy 'n water herinnering-toepassing aflaai op jou slimfoon om jou te help om gesonder waterdrink-gewoontes aan te leer.

  3. Die Immuunstelsel
    Soms word die liggaam se natuurlike herstelprosess uitgeput. 'n Swak dieet speel 'n groot rol: oormatige alkohol, rook, te veel verfynde en geproseseerde kosse en transvette, en te min vrugte en groente. Dit dra alles by tot sellulêre en DNS skade wat kan lei tot ‘n swak immuniteitstelsel en jou kwesbaar maak vir gevare soos hartsiektes, tipe 2 diabete, kanker, asook plooie, veroudering, en geheue verlies.
Dis ongelooflik om te dink dat 65% van ons immuniteitstelsel word in die maag gevind (Mayer et al, 2012). Dit wil sê dat 'n gesonde maag help om ons immuniteitstelsel in tip-top vorm te hou. Anti-oksidante is die tipe voeding wat kan help met die bevordering van die immuniteitstelsel. Duisende bestandele kan optree as anti-oksidante soos quercetin (bv appels, rooibosbessie, uie, blaarslaai, broccoli, tamatie, olyf olie), catechins (bv tee), flavones (bv seldery, pietersielie), antosianiene (bv kersies, frambose, bessies, druiwe), resveratrol (bv rooi druiwe, rooi wyn), lignans (bv gars, granaatjie, lynsaad), tanniene ( bv peulgewasse en groenblaar groente), phytoestrogens (bv soja), en luteïen en zeaxanthin (bv eiers)

Die FitChef Verskil
Hier is die hoofredes hoekom FitChef 'n wenner is vir maag-gesondheid:

  1. Collado MC, Rautava S, Aakko J, Isolauri E, Salminen S. Human gut colonisation may be initiated in utero by distinct microbial communities in the placenta and amniotic fluid. Scientific Reports. 2016; 6:1-13.
  2. Klinder A et al. Impact of increasing fruit and vegetables and flavonoid intake on the human gut microbiota. Food and Function, 2016;4 (7):788-1796. Beskikbaar by:
  3. Oriach CS. Robertson RC, Stanton C, Cryan JF, Dinan TG. Food for thought: The role of nutrition in the microbiota-gut-brain axis. Clinical Nutrition Experimental. 2016;6:25-38.
  4. Sender R, Fuchs S, Milo R. Revised Estimates for the Number of Human and Bacteria Cells in the Body. PLoS Biol. 2016;14(8).
  5. Shahidi F, Ambigaipalan P. Phenolics and polyphenolics in foods, beverages and spices: Antioxidant activity and health effects – A review. Journal of Functional Foods. 215; 18:820–897.
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