- Fail to Plan = Plan to Fail
Planning your meals and being more organised with your food choices will mean you are more likely to eat nutritious food with less reliance on expensive, processed and preservative-filled convenience meals. Making a grocery list is a sure way to help minimise impulse purchases. Place a notepad on your fridge and encourage the family to write down what food is needed for the home as it runs out.
- Hungry Shoppers are Unhealthy Shoppers
Now that you have made your grocery list, do not go grocery shopping on an empty stomach. Studies have shown that hungry shoppers are more likely to buy unhealthy foods. Do your grocery shopping on a full stomach. Better yet, place an online order where you are less likely to be tempted as you walk down the sugary "aisles of sin". FitChef’s healthier snacks are a great alternative to the sugar-filled treats you’d otherwise stock up on if shopping when hungry. Blend frozen berries into yoghurt to make smoothies, snack on pine nibbles, or spread smashed avo on to a slice of 60 hour sourdough bread.
- Go on Autopilot
Having to worry about grocery shopping and meal prepping can be overwhelming, on top of the heavy demands of busy work schedules. Take half an hour once-off to make a list of your weekly or monthly grocery and meal needs. Using this list, set up an easy-to-order account with FitChef and put your healthy eating on autopilot with a recurring order.
- Waste Not, Want Not
If you are a whizz in the kitchen, you will appreciate that there is often a lot of waste that comes with fresh produce like fruit and vegetables. For example, buying vegetables whole and then preparing by peeling and removing inedible parts will result in a lot of waste. Also, when roasting veg you lose around a third of the weight. Added to this, fresh fruit and vegetables if not eaten in time can go off and need to be discarded. Frozen fruit and frozen vegetables are without a doubt an equally healthy alternative to fresh options and can help in minimising food waste.
- Go Plant-Based
Protein sources like beef, chicken and fish tend to contribute the most to our food bills. Consider going meatless for just one meal a week and opt for meals made from legumes like beans, chickpeas, and lentils. These plant-based proteins are sources of fibre and as good for you as they are for your wallet. Try the FitChef range of tasty vegetarian and vegan meals such as the Lentil Bobotie, Red Kidney Bean Goulash with Pumpkin and Spinach, and Chickpea Potjie with Mixed Veg.
- Make Meals Go Further
FitChef’s range of family meals are ideal to cater for everyone’s tastes in the home, saving on electricity during preparation, washing up, with less time exposed in the grocery stores in these times. To make meals go further, bulk up with a large side salad, stir-fry or oven-roasted vegetables from the FitChef frozen aisle, or get creative with the fresh vegetables in the FitChef Fresh Veg Box.
"Deliveries are amazing and the guys that do the deliveries are awesome and friendly. The food is amazing, and I feel I cannot cook the same food we eat for the amount of money we pay for our FitChef meals. Great taste and so many flavours. The convenience of not having to slave away in the kitchen is also one of my favourite aspects, especially in the summer. Eating good food has now become our top priority just because it is so much easier."
"I see a lot of people complaining about prices, but I find it to be way more economical than the grocery shopping I did before. We pay less in a month for food and we do not waste. I am also seeing good results on the scale and in my clothing. Thanks guys - keep up the good work!"
"Miles ahead of their competitors! I am a big guy and find their portions just right, tasty, and convenient. It is great to eat healthy non-processed food at what really are good prices. Very happy to continue with their excellent service."